The Heritage Society

Insuring the preservation mission of the NCC through planned giving and estate bequests.

What is the Heritage Society?
The NCC (National Cambridge Collectors. Inc.) established The Heritage Society in 2005 as a way to secure the future of its Cambridge Glass preservation mission. The Heritage Society will become a key component in the development of an Endowment Fund sufficient to insure the organization's mission in perpetuity.

For a non-profit [501(c)(3)] preservation organization like NCC, a well-supported endowment is synonymous with a stable future. Leading sources for endowment funding are planned giving and estate bequests, like those recognized by The Heritage Society.

The NCC's Heritage Society provides members and other contributors with a non-binding. completely voluntary pledge program. Members of The Heritage Society are those who have included the NCC in their wills or estate plans, thus providing the organization with a secure future.

What is the Endowment Fund?
Established in 1998, the Endowment Fund is the cornerstone of NCC's long-range planning. The fund's principal, untouched except in case of dire emergency, generates interest forever, which provides the organization with continued revenues. The link directs you to the PDF file for the original document.

The goal is to maintain and ultimately grow that principal to provide sufficient revenues from interest to guarantee the preservation mission and especially the National Museum of Cambridge Glass. It is our vision and hope that long after the current generation of collectors is gone, a financial foundation will have been established to allow our beloved National Museum of Cambridge Glass to operate - indeed to prosper - for many, many generations to come. We have the power through our collective generosity to see this vision through to reality by our participation in The Heritage Socety.

Why Participate?
It's just a pledge, not a contract, yet it is a vital way to insure long-term funding for the NCC's Endowment Fund. Consider it a voluntary gesture of support. We have all said, especially in matters such as these, "Oh, I'll get around to it someday." Sadly, NCC has had members and friends who have said just this. Yet their incomplete estate plans left their wishes to support the NCC unfulfilled.

The mission of The Heritage Society is to foster smart estate planning and to assure that NCC is not forgotten as an important beneficiary. Any pledge is meaningful and appreciated. All Cambridge collectors - both current and future - will benefit from, and be grateful for your support.

If you have a collection of Cambridge glass that you would like to donate to the Museum in your will, here are some tips on how to word the bequest, thanks to Larry Everett and Steve and Helen Klemko.

OK, How do I Participate?
Send an e-mail requesting more information, or membership in the Heritage Society to either of the following NCC officers:
Mail a request to:
  • NCC Heritage Society
    PO Box 416
    Cambridge, OH 43725
Your membership in The Heritage Society will be acknowledged on the NCC Website and on signage in the National Museum of Cambridge Glass in Cambridge, Ohio. Such public acknowledgement will be withheld upon your request.

Heritage Society Members

  • Bob and Marcia Ellis
  • Rick and Cindy Jones
  • Les Hansen
  • Squeek and Dorothy Rieker
  • Cindy and Mike Arent
  • Mike and Lisa Strebler

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